The decarbonisation of the economy cannot be achieved without reducing energy consumption and increasing the share of renewables in the operation of buildings and urban infrastructure. However, the renovation of buildings in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is not reaching the necessary pace. The main causes are inefficient financing, lack of projects and insufficient capacity.
To speed up the process, an initiative called the Renovation Wave has been set up, which includes national multi-stakeholder roundtables involving government, regional and local authorities, financial institutions, energy service providers and building owners and operators.
The inaugural roundtable on 15 February 2022, entitled Smart Finance for Smart Buildings, will be opened by René Neděla, Deputy Minister for Energy at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, together with Radoš Horáček from DG ENER. The subsequent debate will be attended by over fifty experts, representatives of government institutions, banks and the supply sector.
In the second part, the first three selected measures will be presented for discussion, which are (i) the development of a national sustainable finance strategy for the Czech Republic, (ii) the promotion of Energy Performance Guarantee (EPC) in the public sector and (iii) the dissemination and implementation of SECAPs.
Working group meetings are an integral part of the Round Table to discuss the individual measures in more detail. Subsequently, relevant strategies, roadmaps and action plans will be developed.