On behalf of the GreenDeal4Buildings project consortium, we would like to invite you to the first meeting of the Slovak Round Table. All the necessary information, as well as a link to the registration and discussion rules, can be found below:

Date: March 31, 2022

Time: 13:00 – 17:00

Venue: Congress center Hotel Tatra, Námestie 1.mája 5, 811 06 Bratislava, Tel: +421 2 592 72 111

Link for registration: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/645f405250934fa69c14384122827951


Plenary session – Part 1
13:00-13:05 Opening of the 1st Round Table meeting
13:05-13:30 Introduction of the members of the Round Table – a brief introduction of the stakeholders – members of the Round Table
13:30-13:45 Goals and tasks of the Round Table
Plenary session – Part 2
13:45-14:00 Sustainable energy investments – EU taxonomy and redirection of investment to sustainable business activities
14:00-14:20 Linking sustainable investment with the IEA’s and the EU’s 10-point plan to reduce the EU’s dependence on natural gas from Russia and the European Action Plan for Affordable, Secure and Sustainable Energy
14:20-15:20 Dialogue/Stakeholder Discussion
Coffee and snack break
Parallel groups – the way forward in preparing proposals for a green agreement
15:40-17:00 Sustainable energy
Construction and value chain
Sustainable investment financing

Round Table rules

The round table was chosen as a format for stakeholder dialogue in order to provide a chance for the widest possible range of stakeholders to comment on the topics discussed, which will be presented in short presentations.

The aim of the dialogue is to find links between stakeholders in the field of attracting sustainable energy investments and to create effective alliances and cooperation in their implementation by implementing joint steps, activities, projects and measures. For this reason, the dialogue will focus on:

  • discussion on possible cooperation in support of the objectives of the European Green Deal in the areas of:
    • financing of sustainable investments,
    • buildings (new as well as renovated buildings),
    • education,
    • clean and affordable energy;
    • transportation (in connection with urban infrastructure in smart cities),
    • climate-sustainable business activities,
  • identification of specific joint activities, steps and projects,
  • creating effective coalitions, consortia and other forms of cooperation in the implementation of these joint activities, steps and projects,
  • identifying the specific policy and legislative measures needed to successfully achieve the objectives of the Europe Green Deal,
  • agreement on the text of the roadmaps that will be part of the Green Building Deal and will include the results of this stakeholder dialogue.

The main motivation for the round table dialogue is the need for stakeholders to work together to meet the objectives of the Europe Green Deal, which goes far beyond the activities of individual stakeholders and across several business sectors as well as individual social groups (regulators, state and public administration, municipalities, educational institutions, business entities, employees, the public). A detailed record of the round table will not be processed, only a short summary without specific comments from the participants.

The Round Table will not address and discuss: 

  • the political side of the measures proposed by the EU,
  • the nature and level of the targets adopted by the EU institutions and the member states,
  • opinions of unions, associations and lobbyists on documents and decisions that are part of the implementation in the cooperation of stakeholders, as such a discussion is intended for other forums and the round table will not replicate, respectively. compete with them.